2 Ginger Bread Girls
loose on a white plastic serving plate
The plate is 4cm x 2.5cm
2.5cm = 1 Inch
3 Loose Ginger Bread Men
on a white ceramic serving plate
these have been hand painted
The plate is 3cm x 1.6cm
the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only
3 Chocolate Chip Cup Cakes
Loose on a white plastic serving plate which is 3cm x 1.6cm
The cakes are not fixed to the plate so you can rearrange them
3 Fruit Cup Cakes On A Ceramic Plate
On a white ceramic serving tray/plate which is 3cm x 1.6cm and are not fixed to the plate so you can rearrange them
3 Almond Cup Cakes Loose On A Ceramic Plate
On a white ceramic plate is 3.3cm x 2.2cm.
7 Small Jam Biscuits
On a white ceramic serving plate which is 2.5cm diameter
The biscuits are not fixed to the plate so you can rearrange them
3 Fruit Slice Cup Cakes
3 Rose Cup Cakes
3 Strawberry Cup Cakes
On a white ceramic serving tray which is 4cm x 2.4cm and fits into all of my display cabinets.
The cakes are not fixed to the tray so you can rearrange them
3 Orange Cup Cakes On A Plastic Plate
On a white ceramic serving tray/plate which is 3cm x 1.6cm
and are not fixed to the plate so you can rearrange them
3 Mixed Fruit Cup Cakes On A Ceramic Plate
3 Waffles On A Ceramic Plate
On a white ceramic plate is 2.5cm diameter.
The waffles are not fixed to the plate so you can rearrange them
3 Strawberry Cakes
On a plastic plate 3cm x 1.6cm.
3 Cherry Cakes
3 Red & White Cup Cakes
On a white ceramic serving tray/plate which is 3cm x 1.6cm and fits into my Display Cabinets.
3 Red Star Cakes
3 Loose Cakes
covered in hundreds and thousands
The white ceramic serving tray is 1.5cm diameter and fits into all of my display cabinets.
3 Black Cherry Cup Cakes
3 Loose Cup Cakes
On a white ceramic plate which is 2.5cm diameter.
3 Orange Cup Cakes
On a white ceramic serving tray 3cm x 1.6cm and fits into all of my display cabinets.
3 Loose Strawberry Slice Cakes
On a white ceramic plate which is 3.3cm x 2.5cm diameter the cakes are not fixed to the plate so you can rearrange them
3 Loose Chocolate Cherry Fruit Slices
Approximately 0.7cm x 0.7cm
On a white ceramic serving tray/plate 3cm x 1.6cm and fits into my Display Cabinets. The cakes are not fixed to the tray so you can rearrange them
The coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only
3 Mixed Fruit Cup Cakes
On a white ceramic serving tray which is 3cm x 1.6cm and fits into my Display Cabinets. The cakes are not fixed to the tray so you can rearrange them
3 Loose Square Cakes With A Raspberry
On a white ceramic serving plate which is 2cm x 1.6cm The cakes are fixed to the plate