
Dolls House Miniature Round Wooden Cheese Board Tumdee Delicatessen Kitchen Accessory

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Selection Of Cheeses On A Wooden Board

with biscuits, metal knife and grape bunch, everything is fixed to the board which is 2.4cm Diameter

The coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Round Of Brie Cheese Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Dairy Accessory

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Handmade Brie Cheese

With a slice taken out

(further slices can be made with a sharp craft knife)

the cheese is approximately 2.5cm diameter x 0.5cm deep

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

4 Mixed Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniatures Food Accessory A

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4 Mixed Cheese Slices

Edam approximately 1.9cm x 0.6cm

Swiss Cheese approximately 1.1cm x 1cm

Red Leicester approximately 1.3cm x 1cm

Stilton approximately 1.2cm x 1cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

4 Mixed Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniatures Food Accessory B

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4 Mixed Cheese Slices

Danish Blue




the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Handmade Red Leicester Cheese Tumdee Dolls House Dairy Food Accessory

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Handmade Red Leicester Cheese

With a slice taken out

(further slices can be made with a sharp craft knife)

the cheese is approximately 2.7cm diameter x 1cm deep

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Round Of Stilton Cheese Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Dairy Accessory

  • Description

Handmade Stilton Cheese

With a slice taken out

(further slices can be made with a sharp craft knife)

the cheese is approximately 2.7cm diameter x 0.8cm deep

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Round Of Edam Cheese Tumdee Dolls House Dairy Food Shop Accessory

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Handmade Edam Cheese

With a slice taken out

(further slices can be made with a sharp craft knife)

the cheese is approximately 2.1cm diameter x 1.8cm deep

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Stilton Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Dairy Accessory

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3 Handmade Stilton Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.2cm x 1cm High

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Edam Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniatures Dairy Accessory

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Three Handmade Edam Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.9cm diameter x 0.6cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Red Leicester Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Dairy Accessory

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Three Handmade Red Leicester Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.3cm x 1cm High

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Swiss Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniatures Dairy Accessory

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Three Handmade Swiss Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.3cm x 1.2cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Danish Blue Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Dairy Food Accessory

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3 Danish Blue Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.2cm x 1cm High

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Empty Jacobs Cheese Selection Biscuit Packet Tumdee Dolls House Food

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Jacobs Cheese Biscuits Packet

approximately 2.2cm x 1.5cm x 0.5cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Handmade Round Of Swiss Cheese Dairy Tumdee Dolls House

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Handmade Swiss Cheese Wheel

With a slice taken out

(further slices can be made with a sharp craft knife)

the wheel is approximately 2.3cm diameter x 0.8cm deep

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Cheese Fixed On A Board Tumdee Dolls House Delicatessen Food Shop 277

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Cheese On A Wooden Board

with biscuits and a metal knife everything is fixed to the board which is 3.5cm long x 2.2cm wide

The coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Edam Cheese On A Board Tumdee Dolls House Delicatessen Food Shop

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Edam Cheese On A Wooden Board

with biscuits and a metal knife everything is fixed to the board which is 4cm long x 2.2cm wide

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Cheese & White Wine On A Board Tumdee Dolls House Delicatessen Grapes Shop

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Cheese On A Wooden Board

With biscuits, cheese and a metal knife which are fixed to the board which is 3.5cm long x 2.2cm wide

bottle of white wine (no label), glass & a bunch of green  grapes which are left loose

The coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Brie Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Dairy Accessory

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3 Handmade Brie Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.3cm x 1cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Cheddar Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Dairy Accessory

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3 Handmade Cheddar Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.2cm x 1cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Gruyere Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Food Accessory

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3 Handmade Gruyere Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.2cm x 1cm High

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Mature Cheddar Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Dairy Accessory

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3 Handmade Mature Cheddar Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.2cm x 1cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

Round Of Cheddar Cheese Tumdee Dolls House Miniature Dairy Accessory

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Handmade Cheddar Cheese

With a slice taken out

(further slices can be made with a sharp craft knife)

the cheese is approximately 2.5cm diameter x 1cm deep

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch

3 Appenzell Swiss Cheese Slices Tumdee Dolls House Dairy Accessory

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3 Handmade Swiss Appenzell Cheese Slices

Each slice is approximately 1.3cm x 1.1cm

the coin is 2cm diameter and is for reference only

2.5cm = 1 Inch